Lower back pain (LBP) has recently been described as an “epidemic”. LBP has become something more or less everyone in their lifetime experiences at least once. Why is that? A few reasons are:
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Poor posture
- Stress
- Systemic inflammation
It is well-known that chiropractic care helps people who suffer with acute LBP or chronic LBP problems; after a few years practicing in the field I have seen people with ten years of LBP who improved after just one session, and I have seen people with only one month of LBP—and they were struggling so much—get better after eight sessions. How can that be?
The answer is simple: LBP is just a symptom, and deep healing requires a holistic approach in which all the variables are taken into consideration!
As my colleague wrote a few months ago the body can be viewed as a synergy of structure, chemistry, and emotions, and when the three elements are balanced, we feel good and healthy. When the balance is not optimal, the body is going to respond with what really bothers us: symptoms! Most likely it will arrive in the form of pain in some part of the body. And at the beginning, whether or not this pain is to come and go or to present itself for just a few seconds or minutes, if it is ignored, the symptoms are going to increase until they grab our attention.
Chiropractic sessions supported by the Applied Kinesiology methodology are able to detect if the body needs structural realignment—indicating priorities to adjust as well as layers of dysfunctions (so often I have seen reoccurring LBP stemming from a neck, foot, or knee problem!). This also indicates whether the source of the problems is somewhere else.
There have been so many times when I have seen intestinal problems (IBS, diverticulitis, colonectomy, etc.) leading to LBP in people, and how chiropractic care (ileo-cecal valve protocol) and nutritional advice have stabilized a pain that had been ongoing for months (the most common advice being to take probiotics, reduce alcohol intake, and stop eating potato chips!). The explanation for this is simple: inflammation in the gut can influence the function of the spinal nerves (the two structures are really close and in communication with one another) and change muscle functions in the lower back and in the legs, creating a compensatory mechanism that is translated into pain later on.
Other times it is rather the emotional situation (severe traumas, abuse, extreme stress) experienced by the person that causes neurological interference. This is because emotions can switch muscle function either off or on and change the tone of postural muscles.
If you are seeking help for acute or persistent LBP, chiropractic adjustments can kick-start your body’s innate capacity to heal!
Michele Oman
MChiro BAppSc (Ex&SpS)
About the author:
Michele Oman
Mainly English and Italian speaker, Michele Oman is a chiropractor who is interested in realigning the body to make it work in a harmonious way…