
Markus Koch 

Even in my youth I had already struggled with acute back pain, and I always imagined that this feeling of constant restrictions would be normal, that I would simply have to live with it. My entire life changed when I experienced Chiropractic treatment on my own body. The wonderful feeling of finally being able to live without any limitations, that’s what drives me. And I would like to pass this gift onto my patients.

After graduating from high school I began a three-year surgical assistant traineeship in Berlin, where I soon discovered my interest in orthopedics and endoprosthetics. I was especially intrigued by spinal surgery and neurotraumatology. For hours I was involved in highly complicated operations under the supervision of Berlin’s leading surgeons.


Growing fascination for chiropractic

My interest in chiropractic was sparked while living abroad in Zurich, where I worked for one year in a highly specialised private clinic for orthopedics and traumatology. The manual therapy performed by the resident chiropractors didn’t just resolve all of the issues that I had had with my back and shoulders for years, it also awakened my own fascination for manual therapy.

This led me to study for 5 years at the Barcelona College of Chiropractic, where I learned modern and holistic Chiropractic in a bilingual master studies program. During my studies I was fortunate enough to complete my training among many experienced and successful chiropractors, allowing me to run a very active student clinic. For one year I enjoyed the training of Dr. Arno Burnier and Dr. Daniel Sterling and I learned in-depth the delicate and precise MLS adjusting technique. In addition, I also used the Thompson, Gonstead Extremity Adjustment and SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) daily in the clinic.

My professional development


Traineeship surgical assistant (OTA), Berlin, Germany

Working abroad as OTA in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tanzania
Focus: providing basic care in the areas of hygiene and traumatology / orthopedics

Working abroad as OTA in the private clinic Schulthess Musculoskeletal Center, Zurich, Switzerland
Focus: spinal surgery and neurotraumatology; hip endoprosthetics

Master of Chiropractic, Barcelona College of Chiropractic, Barcelona, Spain

Seit 2020
Ganzheitliche Chiropraktik Praxis (Holistic Chiropractic Practice)

Phone: +49 (0)30 83228696

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