ADDRESSSchützenstraße 44, 12165 Berlin
“Body, mind, emotions, and soul can never be completely viewed separately from one another.”
Chiropractic care identifies the causes and offers effective relief

Help With Headaches

Headaches have become an increasingly prevalent issue in the last few decades. For a significant number of people, they are a constant and relentless presence that significantly hinders daily life. The symptom “headaches”, however, has many faces. The pain manifests in various forms – from mild to severe, from a sensation of pulling to a feeling of pressure, throbbing or pulsating.

Headaches: Dangerous or “Harmless”?

While headaches are in most cases benign, certain types warrant immediate medical attention. As a general guideline, any new kind of headache as well as any significant change in the intensity or duration of a familiar one should be evaluated by a medical professional.

The term “harmless” here indicates headaches that aren’t life-threatening. They are commonly caused by issues related to muscles, spinal joints, the jaw, teeth, eyes, or ears. Owing to this diversity of potential causes, a comprehensive examination and diagnosis are crucial at the start of the treatment, particularly since most “harmless” headaches can be effectively managed once accurately diagnosed.

I am deliberately using quotation marks for the term “harmless” here, because I want to acknowledge and emphasise that despite not being life-threatening, these types of headaches can have a massive impact on people’s day-to-day experience and significantly impair their quality of life. Often Chiropractic care can offer swift relief and ultimately eradicate the headaches.

Tension Headaches

The most prevalent form of headache in our society is the tension headache. It’s so common that over half of all adults in Germany report that they suffer from it at least once a year. These headaches aren’t linked to a specific structure, like a specific muscle or spinal joint, but are generally due to a diffuse set of tensions. These tensions can result from posture issues, pain in other body parts (like the lower back), or imbalances in the temporomandibular (jaw) joint. The interaction of these multiple factors can then lead to tension headaches, either relatively quickly or over an extended period of time.

When we treat tension headaches, it is crucial to first confirm whether we are truly dealing with one, since the symptoms and patterns of pain often resemble those seen with other types of headaches. Our therapy approach involves manual techniques along with work on fascia, muscles, joints, and nerves, which together allow your body to release and let go of as much tension as possible. Identifying and adjusting daily habits contributing to these headaches is also crucial, because it is commonly something in our routine or daily life that triggers them. By finding out when exactly they occur we can find essential hints for addressing them. We will also discuss necessary adjustments as well as how to concretely implement them in your day-to-day life. 


Migraines represent some of the most severe types of headaches, with a characteristic aura occurring in 10 to 15% of cases. They typically present as one-sided, intense pulsating pain, often concentrated around the temples or eyes. Migraine attacks can arise spontaneously and last for days.

Up to this day, there is an ongoing debate over their cause and their exact origin remains unclear. Many scientists support the theory that blood vessels in the head may be the culprit, but more recently studies have found evidence that suggests an overactivity of the trigeminal (brain) nerve might be involved.

Migraine Treatment

At “Ganzheitlich Chiro-Praxis,” (Holistic Chiro-Practice) we have years of experience in treating migraines, significantly reducing pain for two-thirds of our patients and completely alleviating it for others. Patients experiencing neck, back, or shoulder pain alongside migraines often see especially positive outcomes. The chances of reducing or eliminating migraines are also high in those suffering from combination headaches, meaning that in addition to a migraine you also experience other types of headaches. However, migraines linked to hormonal fluctuations, such as those exclusively occurring in conjunction with menstruation, may have less optimistic prospects.

Contact us online or call us, we would be happy to discuss with you how we can assist with your specific issues and symptoms.

Telefon: +49 (0)30 83228696


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