The human being as a whole

Chiropractic Care is Effective and Holistic


Chiropractic care is an effective and holistic healing method for a wide range of physical ailments. What makes chiropractic care special is that it understands and views the human being as a whole, recognizing that all levels influence each other. The study of chiropractic care is specialized in diagnosing patients with targeted questions, a trained eye, and skilled hands, and treating them directly with specific and effective techniques. 

Precision and Quality in Chiropractic Care

Unlike chiropractors, a chiropractor undergoes a 5 to 7-year full-time study program that guarantees the precision and quality of manual therapy. For the patient, this means a professional, effective, and profound treatment.

Through numerous theoretical and practical exams, the chiropractor is certified to handle a variety of physical symptoms and complex medical conditions conscientiously and effectively.

Real Chiropractors Have Completed Full-Time Studies

Chiropractors are unique in their education and approach, both in Germany and worldwide. Among the holistic therapists are, for example, osteopaths, who lag behind chiropractors in the intensity of their education unless they have studied to become a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) in America. In the sensitive work with the spine, joints, muscles, and nerves, the chiropractor has direct access to the body’s central control mechanisms. We use these to create a quick and long-lasting effect and to restore balance in the body.

Caution When Choosing

In Germany, a real chiropractic degree is not offered, which is why there are only about 100 real, certified, and studied chiropractors here. Patients and interested individuals are often confused by the very similar terms chiropractor and “chiropraktiker.” Similar syllables, yet worlds apart. Unlike the long full-time study of chiropractors, “chiropraktiker” have attended an unspecified number of weekend courses to obtain their title, which says nothing about their acquired skills.

You can only rely on a chiropractor for well-founded knowledge and many years of intensive study and practical exams.

Effective Treatment of Everyday Ailments

At Ganzheitlich Chiro-Praxis, we specialize in the ailments of daily life. Back pain, headaches, tingling or numbness in arms or legs, pain in shoulders, neck, knees, and hips are among the common complaints we effectively treat in our practice.

Your Well-being Comes First

You, as a person, are at the center of our treatment. You will always have the time to present your problems and concerns with us. Time in which we explain the background to you, and time in which you are treated in a trusting and personal atmosphere. This way, health can develop effectively on all levels. Give us a call, and we will be happy to advise you and determine if and how we can help with your specific problems and symptoms.

Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday08:00-19:00
Wednesday and Friday:08:00- 15:00
Saturdayby agreement

Appointments by agreement only: +49 (0)30 83228696

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