Questions About Conditions, Indications and the Treatment Spectrum.
Questions About Conditions, Indications and the Treatment Spectrum.
What types of pain, problems, and conditions can be treated with chiropractic?
Chiropractic has a direct impact on the muscles, joints, and nervous system. This means that any issues involving these areas can potentially benefit from chiropractic treatment.
In terms of joints, chiropractic pays special attention to the numerous small joints in the spine as well as the larger joints of the pelvic ring (the sacroiliac joints).
Aside from the direct effects on muscles, joints, and nerves, chiropractic also has indirect effects that can address a wider range of ailments. While we observe these effects daily in our practice, they have been less thoroughly studied in scientific research.
If you’re uncertain whether chiropractic is the right approach for your specific condition or have any remaining questions, we would be happy to discuss them with you on the phone or via email.
Can chiropractic help with “X” ?
In general, chiropractic can address a wide range of complaints. After an initial consultation and thorough examination, we will provide you with a detailed consultation on whether and how chiropractic can help you. If necessary, we may also recommend you to consult with other healthcare professionals such as internists or neurologists.
Who can benefit from chiropractic care?
Chiropractic is suitable for almost everyone. Even babies just a few days old and elderly patients can benefit from chiropractic treatment.
Each age group, profession, sport, and activity presents its own unique challenges. Our training allows us to recognize these challenges and provide the best possible support for you and your body.
Specific examples of problems that can be addressed through chiropractic care include shoulder, neck, and back pain from office work, lower back pain from strenuous physical labour, tennis elbow and shoulder issues from sports that place stress on the upper extremities, and hip problems in elderly patients.
Can babies and children receive chiropractic treatment?
Yes, babies and children can also experience tension, pain, and dysfunction resulting from birth or other external factors. In babies, this may manifest as excessive crying, difficulty with feeding, and a preference for one side.
For older children, we routinely check for spinal curvature (scoliosis). If detected early, such curvatures can be treated more effectively before the structures have solidified.
Please feel free to speak with us for more detailed information on how we can support your child through chiropractic care. You can reach us by phone or email.
Can chiropractic help during pregnancy?
Definitely, yes. During pregnancy, your body undergoes rapid changes that place new stresses on your tissues, spine, and joints. The body is constantly trying to adapt to these changes and establish a new state of balance. Chiropractic care is an excellent way to strengthen and support your body during this time, prevent the unnecessary buildup of tension and maintain balance.
General Questions About Chiropractic
Why do you refer to yourself in German as a ‘Chiropraktor’ rather than a ‘Chiropraktiker’?
There is a lot of confusion in Germany regarding the rather similar sounding terms ‘Chiropraktor’ and ‘Chiropraktiker’’. ‘Chiropraktor’ is a protected professional title with specific training standards, ensuring a highly trained therapist. On the other hand, the term ‘Chiropraktiker’ is not associated with the same uniform and high standards. It can be used by therapists with varying levels of training, making it an unreliable indicator of the therapist’s qualifications.
To be called a ‘Chiropraktor’, a therapist must undergo an intensive five-year university course at a European Council of Chiropractic recognized institution. The comprehensive curriculum covers all of the foundational medical subjects like anatomy, biochemistry and pathology, as well as areas of expertise especially important for chiropractors, like internal medicine.
The theoretical part of the course equips graduates with the ability to make accurate and precise diagnoses. This includes, amongst many other skills, the ability to read and interpret X-ray images confidently. In addition, students learn extensively about chiropractic theory and practice, engage consistently in extensive practical courses to reinforce their knowledge and have yearly examinations that involve complex problems.
The chiropractic degree program concludes with at least one year of internship at a clinic, typically affiliated with the university. During this time, students apply their learned therapeutic knowledge and skill to a range of patients under the supervision of tutors. This ensures that they gain substantial professional experience with various symptoms and conditions before entering the healthcare system.
In summary, ‘Chiropraktors’ are generally more qualified than ‘Chiropraktikers’, both in terms of medical knowledge and chiropractic expertise.
What is the difference between chiropractic and osteopathy?
Both chiropractic and osteopathy involve manual treatment of the human body and have a holistic approach. However, the specific treatments may differ significantly, due to different theories on which structures to prioritise in the therapeutic process.
Chiropractic focuses on the spine and pelvis, leveraging the anatomical proximity to the central nervous system. In addition to treating joints and muscles, this enables chiropractors to activate, through targeted impulses, reflex mechanisms. These then interact with the central nervous system, which in turn influences and regulates a myriad of bodily processes.
Osteopathy traditionally focuses on other systems to improve physical well-being and functioning. As a result, the treatment methods and techniques used in osteopathy can differ substantially from those of chiropractors.
Questions Regarding Treatments
How should I prepare for the first appointment? What should I bring with me?
To book your first appointment, you can either contact us online or call our clinic directly. If at all possible, we kindly ask that prior to your first visit, you fill out our questionnaire online and submit it to us in advance. This allows our chiropractors to best prepare for your specific needs and concerns. However, if you have a last-minute appointment and don’t have time to fill out the questionnaire, it is still possible to come in for your visit.
When coming in for your appointment, please try to bring any medical data that could assist us in understanding your condition better. This includes X-ray and MRI images along with the corresponding findings letters. Additionally, it is recommended to wear comfortable clothing during your visit.
Do I have to fully undress for the treatment?
No. We generally treat patients while they are clothed, typically in a T-shirt and pants. In some special cases, it may be necessary to undress parts of your body for an examination of the skin for signs of inflammation or injury.
What is the cost of a chiropractic treatment?
The cost for your first visit is 100 Euros, every subsequent visit costs 80 Euros.
Are the costs for the treatment covered by health insurance?
Regarding insurance coverage, it is important to note that public health insurances typically do not cover the costs of chiropractic care. However, many private health insurances do cover these services. If your insurance covers services from alternative practitioners (in German: “Heilpraktiker”), then chiropractic care is usually covered too. In either case, we recommend contacting your insurance company in advance to confirm whether chiropractic treatment is covered under your plan.
Are there any side effects? What can I expect after the treatment?
As with any medical treatment, there may be some side effects or after-effects.
Some positive “side effects” can include improved posture, deeper breathing, reduced pain, and a better overall feeling in the limbs. However, it is also possible to experience temporary discomfort, similar to sore muscles after exercise, as your body adjusts and realigns itself. In some rare cases patients may experience a headache or similar symptoms.
Immediately after treatment, you may feel a sense of fatigue or tiredness. The wish to sleep is an indicator of the body’s need to rest and recover. Listening to your body’s need for rest and allowing yourself to sleep can aid in the healing process.
Most of the time, the new muscle activation required after the treatment will be clearly noticeable, which may feel unfamiliar. However, all after-effects are short-lived and should completely dissipate after a few hours or at most a few days.
If you ever have concerns, you can contact us at any time during opening hours. Your therapist will then promptly respond at the next opportunity they have and provide detailed explanations regarding the origin of these sensations and what your body is experiencing. If necessary, we may recommend scheduling another appointment for a minor adjustment to help your body adapt. However, in most cases, it is advisable to wait until your body naturally finds a new balance.